Membership Terms
- Full membership of the Club is open to all persons over the age of 17 subject to a satisfactory application form being submitted.
- Minors between the ages of 14 to 17 may attend non-coached social sessions/events but must be accompanied by an adult member of the club.
- The Club is committed to a policy of unrestricted membership: all applications will be treated fairly and without discrimination. All members will be treated equally and equitably regardless of their age, ability, gender, race, culture, religious belief, sexual identity, disability, language or for any other reason whatsoever.
- Club membership is a yearly membership starting on the 1st Jan, finishing on the 31st Dec the same year.
- Membership catogories, cost and payment methods are contained in the online membership joining/renewal process and may vary from time to time.
- Upon joining or renewing, all members must pay the full annual fee according to their membership category.
- The annual subscriptions for membership will be reviewed by the Committee annually. Subscriptions will be determined for the long-term sustainability of the club and to encourage participation in good quality coached sessions.
- All applications for membership will be sent to the Member Secretary who will process the application. In the event of a possible problem with an application the Secretary will initially contact the Chairman for advice. The Chairman may then call a meeting of the committee to discuss the application.
- The club reserves the right to not accept applications and will detail their reasons for refusal.
- Successful applicants will be provided introductory information about the running of the Club and opportunities for athlete participation.
- Membership cards (electronic) may be provided, but are not obligatory.
- On or near the membership renewal date, an email will be sent to all members who are requested to pay promptly. Members who have not paid renewal fees, will be deemed to have lapsed their membership and will not be entitled to attend club sessions, enter club competitions or represent the club in any competition.
- Members details will NOT be shared with any other party.
- Members are assumed to give consent for photographs of themselves being used in club communications, social media and our website.
- It is a requirement that all members adhere to club rules and the various codes of conduct to which the club has committed as summarised in the club's constitution. Click the link HERE to read.
- Joining and membership renewals are all online via the ClubSpark system. Members are requested to check their details and amend if required upon renewal.
- The primary means of communication is by email. Members are requested to modify their account details if their email or mobile number changes. Club events are also publicised via social media.
- An emergency number MUST be provided and kept updated by members, as part of their account details.
- Any matters for concern regarding your membership, please contact us on this link. Membership.