
What's on this week coached and non-coached sessions

Monday - Swim - 6am at the Meres - Please make sure you have booked on via the site - you will not be allowed to join the session if not booked in. WE WILL BE VERY STRICT ON THIS. Make sure you swimming cossie and mask is on when you turn up.  Just a quick reminder to use the one way system and please don't spend too much times in the shower socializing

Wednesday - Social run - 6:30pm meeting at the either Asda Car Park (by Snooker club) or Meres. Please look out for a post from our lovely coaches and run leaders

Saturday - Swim 7am at the Meres (as above)

Sunday - Cycling - 9am - Please look out for posts regarding what group you would like to be in. 

Have fun training guys