Big Bobble Hat Bishopbriggs Triathlon Sunday 27 April 2025


Please follow the Facebook page for up to date information and news -

The Big Bobble Hats Bishopbriggs Triathlon will be held on Sunday April 27th at the Bishopbriggs Leisuredrome with a pool swim, a closed-roads bike course, and a canal path run.  The event is ideal for new triathletes as well as seasoned competitors.

Event Swim (pool) Bike (closed roads) Run (canal path)
Sprint Triathlon 750m 20km 5km
Novice Triathlon 400m 10km 3km
Youth Triathlon (15/16 yr) 400m 10km 3km
Tristar 3 Triathlon (13/14 yr) 300m 5km 2km
Tristar 2 Triathlon (11/12 yr) 200m 5km 2km


Entry Details

Enter via entrycentral (opens Dec1st)

A 2025 video and briefing will be provided in advance of the race.  We don't expect many changes. You can see the 2024 details below:

2024 Overview Video

2024 Race Briefing

it can be viewed here Race Briefing 2024

2024 Results

2023 Results

2022 Results


The following updates were supplied as part of the 2024 race. It is here for information only. 2025 details will be made available when ready. 

UPDATE 26/04/24

Tristar 2 and Tristar 3 competitors (Ages 12 to 15)
Tristar competitors must bring a warm/windproof jacket.  We will determine if this has to be worn by Tristars before getting on their bikes. If this is required, it will be announced in registration and transition.

IMPORTANT - Registration

Please give yourself plenty of time to register. Giving yourself plenty of time to do everything will improve your raceday experience.

Please remember to bring proof of your triathlon nations membership (British, Welsh or Scottish) or Racepass if you are not a member of triathlon nation. You can use your phone to show your proof, or a card or printout.

If you require a Racepass you can purchase one here -


UPDATE 26/04/24

The Race briefing video is available here

The results will be available on the 'Whatsmytime' website. Click Here
Heat allocations are now available. Click Here

UPDATE 17/04/24 - Briefing

There will be an online (zoom) briefing on Tuesday 23rd Aprill at 2000.

Meeting ID: 374 660 0688
Password: triathlon

The meeting will be recorded. A link will be made available afterwards.

If you have any specific questions you'd like dealt with please leave a comment or email,uk

UPDATE 12/04/24 - Competitor info

Dear Competitors,

There are just over two weeks to go until the Big Bobble Hats Bishopbriggs Triathlon on 28th April. We hope your training is going well and you are looking forward to the event?

Some important things to note:

1) You should have received the race briefing document. It is available here:

Exact start times of heats will be finalised in the week before the race, once the entries have closed.

2) We are holding an on-line information evening on Tuesday 23rd April at 2000. The joining link will be sent out in the week before the event. The race director will explain how things will work on race day and the Glasgow Triathlon Club Head Coach will give some useful tips and pointers. There will lots of opportunity to ask questions. The meeting will be recorded and available to view online after the meeting. If you have a question you would like answered please e-mail

Common questions coming in so far are:

Can I use an electric bike? The answer is NO, even if the battery is removed and the bike de-activated.
Can I change completely? YES. You can access the cubicles by the poolside.
Are there lockers? YES. They use £1 coins.
Do I need a tri-suit? NO. A tri-suit is a one piece garment that you wear during the swim, bike and run. It will speed up your transitions but you will need to borrow or buy one. It is perfectly acceptable for men to wear swimming trunks in the pool and then put on a t-shirt in transition for the cycle and run. Women could do the whole event in a one-piece swimming costume which adequately covers their torso. Obviously additional clothing will make your day warmer and more comfortable, but that is at the expense of speed. You need to decide what is important to you. There is more discussion about clothing in the race briefing document and a link to the BFT rules.

3) There will not a briefing on race day. Important safety information will be passed on at the start of the on-line evening and we ask that you watch this either live or in the recording.

4) Race Passes and Triathlon Scotland (BTF) membership

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT Please take the time to read and understand and get it sorted if necessary!!

To take part in the race you must EITHER:

A) Be a member of Triathlon Scotland (or another BTF Home Nation, England or Wales). This MUST be a Core or Ultimate membership and your membership card will state 'THIS IS A RACE LICENCE.' An essential membership is not suitable since it does NOT include a Race Licence. Your membership must be valid on the day of the race (28th April 2024), not the day you entered! You an access your TS/ BTF membership details online to check your status and print out your Membership Card.


B) Have purchased a Race Pass for the event. If you said on the entrycentral sign-up website that you were not a member of Triathlon Scotland you will have automatically purchased a Race Pass and the receipt is attached to your entry confirmation.

If you do not have A OR B you will NOT be allowed to compete.

If you have entered as a Triathlon Scotland member and now realise that you do not have Core or Ultimate membership valid on race day, you can either re-join Triathlon Scotland or purchase a Race Pass. Race Passes are available to purchase here:

If you are purchasing a Race Pass for your child it MUST be the child's name on the Race Pass.

Just to re-iterate, you need EITHER Membership or a Race Pass, NOT both.

British Triathlon insist that we check Membership OR Race Passes at registration so please bring proof of one or the other.

5) You can change your swim time until entries close at 2359 on 19th April. You need to do that yourself via your entrycentral user account.

6) Most of the events are full with waiting lists. If you know you cannot attend please let us know as soon as possible and someone else can be offered the place.

Any questions please get in touch

Happy training,

Stewart Milne

Race Director (on behalf of Glasgow Triathlon Club)



UPDATE 04/04/24 - The race briefing for 2024 is now available Big Bobble Hats Bishopbriggs Triathlon Race Briefing 2024.pdf

UPDATE 02/4/24 - Competitor info

There is only few weeks to go until The Big Bobble Hats Bishopbriggs Triathlon on April 28th. I hope that your training is going well. The race team are sorting out all the final details for the big day so that it runs as smoothly as possible. You can help by:

  1. Attending or viewing a pre-race briefing.

There will be an online briefing on Tuesday April 22nd at 2000. A link will be sent out to all competitors. There will be also be a link sent out afterwards for those cannot attend the live briefing.

This is a great chance to hear all about the race. If you have any questions you’d like the team to answer then please email

You can view last year’s briefing here

  1. Checking you have either
    1. Triathlon Scotland  (or another home nation – England or Wales) membership
    2. Purchased  a British Triathlon racepass when you signed up for the event. If you did not state that you were a member of a triathlon nation then you will  have been prompted to purchase a racepass when signing up for this race.

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT – You can only take part in the race by providing, at registration, proof of either point “a” or “b”.

To ensure registration is as quick and smooth as possible please ensure you bring proof of either point “a” or “b”. This could be your membership card, a printout of your membership/racepass details, or you can use your phone to show either signup.

If you cannot prove either point “a” or “b” you will be asked to purchase a racepass to allow you to race.

You can find out more about racepass here -

  1. If you need to alter your swim time you can do that yourself by logging you’re your user account. 

Changes must be made before entries close at 2359 on 19th April.

Please follow the Facebook page for up to date information and news -