Coaching team

The volunteer coaching team, plan, deliver and provide support for all your training sessions and welcome any queries - its what we love the most :)

We are ALWAYS looking for new coaches and are fully comitted to support you on your coaching journey: whatever that may be. If you are interested then please do contact your head coach.

Besides! Volunteering makes you feel good about yourself - why not give it a go...


Val Bridges: Swim coach

BTF Triathlon coach level 1

Why do you coach: Started coaching to give something back and coached the new Junior section for several years before scaling back a little to "just" the Wednesday adult swim. I get a tremendous buzz from helping relatively new swimmers to improve, as I still remember how atrocious I was and how I came to love swimming once I'd mastered the technique.

Likes:  Being active, anything "crafty", spreadsheets, bell ringing and chocolate cake !

Dislikes:  shellfish


Stephen Dransfield: Run coach

BTF Triathlon coach level 2


BTF triathlon coach level 1, 

Why do you coach:  To give something back to the club that has help me improve over the years. 

Likes: Shorter races which don't take up my whole Sunday

Dislikes:  Running past my rack spot in transition (which I've done far too often!)

Adrian Cherry: 

BTF triathlon coach level 2, RLSS OWL

Why do you coach:  Did my BTF Level 1 Coaching so that i could put something back into the club. I wasn't sure that i would actually enjoy it, but soon found out I love to be part of a great coaching team delivering challenging sessions to members who really want to improve their performances.  

Likes: Beating Steve Holloway

Dislikes:  Finding my bike in transistion and reminders of backward vest day


Richard Cressey: 

BTF triathlon coach level  2 

Why do you coach:  A long time ago, I had lots of people investing time in helping me become a decent runner. My daughter joined NTri and before you know it I am helping out at run sessions and have qualified as a level 2 coach! It is very rewarding to see triathletes at all levels improve and have fun. I think it is really import to help and encourage others to achieve their goals.

Likes:  Warm Days, shopping for random bike bits 

Dislikes:  Mushrooms