Find out more about the Tri Inverness coaches

The club has a large coaching team including Calea, Kirsty, Thomas, Asta, Douglas, Jenny, Andrea, Lewis G, Lewis M, Malky, Nicole and Duncan.

Below you can see a couple of their profiles.


Coach Jenny  

Fave race- Ironman Austria, incredible route & atmosphere. 

Fave discipline:  all of them, it’s great to swap about depending on who you’re with, the weather & your energy levels! 

Fave post race food :  coffee! 

Why I love coaching:  it’s so good to watch others make progress, enjoy taking part & gaining more confidence. I’ve also made a whole lot of new friends.

A great article about Coach Jenny and the role of woman coaches in sport can be found here


Coach Andrea  

Favourite race/event: Traighathlon in Mallaig in 2021. The weather was stunning, warm and calm. It felt like being on a tropical beach and I might have been slightly distracted during all 3 parts of the race as the scenery was just beautiful.

Favourite post race food: cake (in any flavour or shape...)

Why I love coaching: it's great being able to give something back to the club and help people achieve new/different things. I love seeing them develop and have fun. I am relatively new to triathlon myself and like helping others discover the sport and all it has to offer.


Coach Calea