Health and Safety Policy
Health and Safety Policy
1. Scope
This document contains the guidance and procedures that Trackside Lawn Tennis Club (TLTC) has introduced to meet the requirements for Health and Safety:
TLTC Health and Policy Statement (Appendix 1).
Guidance for dealing with Emergencies and on First Aid is set out in First Aid, Accident & Incident Reporting Policy and Fire Emergency Procedure
Activities usually carried out by the club
- Coaching: Times/Dates Varies: Senior and Junior / Teen and Schools Coaching.
- Matches: Times/Dates Varies: Internal and external league and friendly/ social matches.
- Club opening times: 9am to 9.00pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 7pm Friday, 10.00am to 6pm Saturday, Sunday, and Bank Holidays.
2. Overview:
The Committee is responsibility for Health & Safety on the TLTC site which is courts and Club House. All potential hazards noted outside the tennis club area should be notified to the Fingal County Councal for review. The Club (TLTC) means the Trackside Lawn Tennis Club members.
Trackside LTC is committed to ensuring the Health and Safety of its members including visitors, guests and employees whilst on the Club premises and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Adults Members are required to accept individual responsibility not only for their own safety but also for that of any Minors (children under 18 years of age) and/or Visitors who may be accompanied by them. The Club requires all Minors up to age of 12 to be supervised at all times whilst on Club premises. Parents/Guardians are required to follow Code of Conduct for Parents/Guardians which can be found on the Policies page of Overall and final responsibility for Health and Safety in respect of the Club is vested in the Club’s Management Committee.
3. Organisation for Health and Safety
The ultimate responsibility for health and safety lies with the Management Committee. The Committee are responsible for the preparation/review of Risk Assessments. Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that this policy is put into practice is delegated to the Members, Staff Volunteers, Visitors and Coaches who need to take reasonable care of their own health and safety while on the Club premises. If at any time there are any health or safety concerns or risks they should be immediately reported, to a member of the Management Committee
To manage Health and Safety the Trackside LTC Management Committee will:
- Discuss Health & Safety at every Management Committee meeting. Health and safety can come under many forms, such as complaints, injuries etc and as best practice should be on the agenda and marked as no issues if there is nothing to discuss
- Endeavour to ensure the Club’s environment is safe and free from reasonable risk. Provide appropriate First Aid facilities
- Maintain a safe environment for all members, their visitors and employees. Minimise the occurrence of accidents and incidents by carrying out risk assessments to assess and deal with all areas of our operations, Accident and Incident Reporting.
- All details of accidents (and incidents) should be recorded i.e. How, where, why and who and also details of any first aid given. On no account should any form of oral medication be given unless done so by the injured party themselves. Details should be forwarded to a member of the Management Committee as soon as is reasonably possible.
4. Fire Safety Provisions:
There are 2 fire extinguishers (1 in reception and 1 main social area of the club house).
There is a fire blanket in the kitchen. Smoke alarms & interior fire doors in the club house.
- In the event of a serious or major incident, the club should be evacuated and the Emergency Services should be summoned by dialling 999 on a club or any mobile. A responsible person should immediately take responsibility for coordinating all action including reporting the matter in the Accident Book / Report Form and forwarding it to the management committee
5. Accidents/ Incidents and Accident/ Incident Reporting:
Serious/ Major Accidents/ Incidents
- In the event of a serious accident or major incident, the Emergency Services should be summoned by dialling 999 on the club or any mobile. A responsible person should immediately take responsibility for coordinating all action including reporting the matter on an Accident Book/ Report Form and forwarding it to the management committee.
- It is a legal requirement that any major accident (one resulting in hospitalization in excess of 24 hours), regardless of perceived liability, is reported to the HSE. It is also an insurance requirement that certain matters be reported to the insurance brokers (as detailed on the Liability Insurance Documents). It is, therefore, imperative that a Committee Member is also alerted promptly so that the matter can be correctly followed through.
Minor Accidents/ Injuries:
- The Club maintains a First Aid Kit for use in the event of minor injuries. All injuries should be reported on an Accident Book Report Form and forwarded to the management committee.
- First Aid Kit:
There are two First Aid Kits in the clubhouse. They are clearly labelled inside the clubhouse in the drawers in the foyer. If used it should be replenished so that it always contains legally required items. All Qualified First Aiders should acquaint themselves with the contents and ensure that the First Aid Kit is complete.
- Accident Book:
It is a legal requirement for the Club to provide an Accident Book. Accident Book Report Forms should be used to report all accidents or injuries that occur on site. It is usual for the casualty themselves to make the report and submit it to Welfare Officer. However, in the event of a serious accident, when this may not be possible, the responsible person taking charge of the situation should ensure that it is completed and notified to the Welfare Officer as soon as possible
- First Aid Training:
Club Coaches are required to hold current First Aid Certificates.
- Risk Assessment Policy:
Trackside LTC will carry out a full annual risk assessment of the facility with a view of highlighting potential hazards and taking the appropriate action wherever necessary to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment.
The Management Committee is responsible for all issues. Equipment and site maintenance will be an item on the agenda for each Committee meeting. Any issues are raised, and the appropriate action taken; all details will be listed in the minutes.
Risk Assessments will be undertaken by:
- Identifying any hazards,
- Identify any members who might be at risk from hazards
- Evaluate the risk and decide on precautions (eliminate > control)
- Record the findings and implement them
- Review and update procedures
However, members and visitors are also responsible for day to day Health and Safety and must report any issues. If the issue is low level please write an entry in the maintenance log book - located in the reception. If more urgent a Committee Member should be contacted.
- Good Housekeeping:
Good housekeeping is one of the foundation stones of safety, many accidents result from carelessness e.g. slips, trips and falls.
The Club places a strong emphasis on all Members, Employees and Service Providers to ensure that they take due care and behave in a responsible manner when on Club premises, paying particular attention to the following tasks:
- Not leaving items/equipment in walkways/on court where they can cause a trip hazard; Wear appropriate Tennis gear (especially shoes).
- Storing items in a safe manner and storing them without delay;
- Storing items appropriately in designated areas, safe stacking arrangements should be applied;
- Safe usage of hazardous materials and/or detergents etc;
- Proper storage and labelling of hazards and materials in approved containers and designated areas;
- Taking due care when touching/using electrical equipment, never touching electrical equipment with wet hands
This list is not exhaustive, and all persons are required to use their common sense not to cause harm or injury to themselves and/or other people because of their actions or omissions when on Club premises.
This responsibility is of particular importance to those persons (coaches, parents, volunteers, caretakers) who regularly come into contact with children in the course of club operations.
- Child Protection:
The club has a defined Child Protection Policy – please refer to notice board in club house or Policies page on
Any person, who suspects that a child is being abused, treated in an inappropriate manner or is at risk of abuse, has a responsibility to report their concerns to one of the club’s Child Protection Officers without delay.
This responsibility is of particular importance to those persons (coaches, parents, volunteers, caretakers) who regularly come into contact with children in the course of club operations.
- Review:
The Club’s Safety Statement is available to all Members, Employees, Visitors and Inspectors of the Health and Safety Authority for viewing. The Safety Statement will be regularly reviewed and amended as necessary. A copy is available on the notice board in the TLTC club house and also on This version will be reviewed and updated every 3 years unless required.
Trackside Lawn Tennis Club
Appendix 1. Health and Safety Policy Statement
- TLTC is committed to maximising the safety and welfare of all its members including their invited guests, visiting match teams, Adults, Juniors/ Teens and school children taking part in organised coaching sessions, as well as members of the general public playing on a pay and play basis.
- The Committee is responsibility for Health & Safety on the TLTC site which is courts and club house. All potential hazards noted outside the tennis club area should be notified to Fingal County Councle for review.
- We recognise that we cannot create this environment alone and rely on the commitment and awareness of our Members, Employees, Visitors and any other persons to behave in a responsible and safe manner at all times whilst on Club premises taking due care and consideration for their own safety and for any others who may be in their care (e.g. Minors, Visitors, Contractors etc). All members are required to comply with this policy.
- In the case of an accident or an incident that could have led to an accident, members are required to inform a member of the Committee.
- TLTC and its Committee are committed to the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Acts 2005 and 2010 and will:
- Discuss Health & Safety at every committee meeting
- Ensure that the playing, social and working environment at the club is safe and free from reasonable risk
- Provide appropriate First Aid equipment and notices.
Conrad Childs