How to find us
TrYthan Triathlon Club
NE Scotland
NE Scotland
TrYthan was formed in 2016 and became affiliated to Triathlon Scotland in 2019, our goal is to help our members reach their health, fitness and competitive goals through one of the world’s most popular and fastest growing sports. In 2020, TrYthan was awarded the prestigious accolade Triathlon Scotland 's 'Club of the Year'.
TrYthan is a fully inclusive multisport community club that welcomes all abilities and also participants with disabilities. Please contact the club to discuss any modifications or additional support required. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned Ironman (or Ironwoman!), young or old, you will fit right in with TrYthan.
We provide organised pool, bike and run sessions year-round, allowing members to improve their fitness and technique in a fun and friendly environment. We also believe in building friendships and lasting bonds through a community of like-minded people, an aim which is fostered by regular social activities open to all.
The club is formally constituted and is managed by a committee made up of Triathletes and interested volunteers. There is an annual AGM, where committee members are appointed to the office bearer positions. The Club is dependent on the volunteers help with its running and by holding a position on the committee, helping with fundraising, and assisting at events where required.
To visit TrYthan Facebook page hit the TrYthan logo top left on this page.
Scottish Championships
8 months ago
Scottish Championships
8 months ago
2023 Scottish National Aquathlon Championships
about a year ago
Why Join TrYthan?
By joining TrYthan, you will be part of the Triathlon Scotland 'Club of the Year - 2020', a fun, progressive multisport club, participating in Triathlon, Duathlon, Aquathlon, Aquabike or you can just swim, bike or run individually.
You will be eligible to wear our famous yellow and black kit, race under our club banner and train in a wide range of our weekly coached sessions, plus use our club discount codes (please ask for info).