Camp Information
What to wear and bring:
- Comfy clothes for an active day, including practical shoes (i.e. trainers) and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty.
- An apron or shirt for creative activities.
- For sunny weather:
- sun hat, suitable clothes and sun cream (ensure the latter is applied prior to arrival – we will then advise/assist your child in reapplying throughout the day unless you advise us otherwise).
- Warm comfortable clothes including a jacket/coat and jumper for cool weather.
- Money - we will have a tuck shop with sweets and snacks for sale each day.
Food and Drink:
- Healthy and balanced packed lunch, plus additional snacks for break times.
- Refillable drinks bottle (all children will be advised to keep this filled throughout the day).
- Please provide ice packs during hot weather as we are unable to provide refrigeration facilities.
- We kindly ask parents not to pack nuts into their child's lunch due to allergies.
Lunch and Breaks:
Children need to bring a packed lunch with extra snacks for break times and a refillable drinks bottle. Children have an hour for lunch: the first 30 minutes is spent eating with friends and instructors, and then there’s another 30 minutes to run around, play games, or chill out.
We also have two 20-minute breaks – one in the morning and one in the afternoon – during which the children can enjoy their snacks. Lunch and breaks are fully supervised and children are encouraged to eat all of their lunch.