Training Information

General Information 

Attendance at all club paid for training sessions must be booked and paid for through ClubSparks. You can view the available training sessions and book on to these here.

Any other FREE club sessions are posted on the clubs MEMBERS ONLY Facebook page.

If you would like further information about any of the clubs training sessions or on how to join, please contact us.

Coach Led / Non-Coach Led

Coach Led Sessions - Coached sessions in swim, bike, run and allied activities (such as strength and conditioning activity for example) led by one or more qualified British Triathlon Coaches at Level 1, 2 (including diploma) or 3. Technical in nature and structured as part of formal session plans. 

Non-Coach Led Sessions - These are club organised sessions, typically are run or bike sessions (but could be any activity under the club's operation) which are organised by clubs for club members only, but are not led by a coach or activator. Coaches and activators may be involved as a club member participant only. Sessions falling into this category are to enable members to participate in social runs / rides, with the pace and distance agreed with the participating members. Subgroups may naturally form within a session. Enjoy and please don't leave anyone behind.


Coached training sessions take place at Bryanston School swimming pool. We have members of all abilities and all are catered for, so you will swim in a lane of your standard. We do, though, expect prospective members to be able to swim at least a length of the pool.

Club members also make good use of the range of local open water swimming locations  such as:

All swimming training sessions will be posted here one week before the session commences. 

Coached swim sessions will focus on technique, to help swimmers improve and develop. Coaches will explain the purpose at the start of each session.


Group cycling sessions are available for all abilities and start from various places and times. Please see the clubs MEMBER ONLY Facebook page for more information.

There are also indoor spin sessions that take place through the winter months taking place at Bryanston School. Some members also arrange virtual online training sessions using online platforms, such as Zwift. 


Group running sessions take place throughout the year start from various places and times. Please see the clubs MEMBER ONLY Facebook page for more information. These sessions cater for all abilities.

Some NDTC members also belong to the  Dorset Doddlers Running Club (separate membership, £10 per year).