London marathon club place

Each year we offer members the opportunity to run in the London marathon.

The place is provided to the club by England Athletics because of the number of members who affiliate to the national body.

The name is chosen by drawing of lots in December and the club pays the entry fee.

It’s a great prize and you can see previous club participants below.

We have a ceremonial handover of the club “baton” at the annual awards night in February.

Peter Panacek in kit with a medal

Peter Panacek: 2022
Sean Lindsay in 2020 and 2021 after completing his marathons









Sean Lindsay in 2020, after doing the "virtual" London marathon and in 2021 after the real thing 

Debs Clarke

Debs Clarke: 2019 

James Hobson

James Hobson: 2018

Fraser Murray

Fraser Murray: 2017


There are some rules to entering the ballot. This is to ensure fairness and that everyone gets an opportunity to take part.

  1. You must have applied in the general ballot for a place (held shortly after the previous year’s race) and been unsuccessful
  2. You must have been a club member at the time of the general ballot
  3. You must be affiliated to England Athletics in NTC’s name
  4. Previous winners of the club’s place are excluded from the club ballot
  5. You are expected to run in club kit