
The Club is managed by a committee which is elected at the annual general meeting.

The committee meets six weekly and is responsible for the club’s programme of activities, its finances and ensuring it meets the needs and wishes of members.

The club provides honorary membership to serving committee members, as a gesture of thanks for their volunteering time.

2024 committee members:

 A woman in club kit running








Chair - Karen Dennett                                       

Ken Matheson wearing cycle kit










Vice Chair - Ken Matheson


A woman racing on a bike smiling









General secretary - Sandra Edwards


A woman in NTC kit wearing a medal









Membership secretary - Charlotte Clayton

Mark Saggers running 








Treasurer - Mark Saggers                              


A man wearing a tri suit and a medal









Welfare Officer - Tom Walker

Julia Matheson holding a medal










Head Coach and lead swim coach - Julia Matheson 


Matt Jackson running










Junior coach - Matt Jackson

Michael Howard cycling 









Cycle lead and public relations officer - Mike Howard

Phil Rowley running










Kit Officer - Phil Rowley

Matt Harper holding a medal 









Run lead - Matt Harper

Michelle Marshall










Women's club captain - Michelle Marshall 

Mark Hatton running










Men's club captain - Mark Hatton

Sarah Thorne running










Deputy welfare officer - Sarah Thorne

A man in club kit running









Member representative - Phil Dawid


A woman in club kit running










Member representative Beth Dawid 

A man in club kit running










Member representative Jason Riley