Run training

Our running sessions consist of a weekly interval session and two steady runs.

Interval training

The interval training is held at Northwood Stadium and is organised by a level 3 coach. It includes separately-led sessions for both seniors and juniors. 

Interval sessions are a great way of building speed and stamina and enable you to calculate stride length and rate. They help you to develop a consistent pace, which is important in all races where there is the temptation to set off too quickly!

The sessions are different each week and include a structured warm-up, followed by threshold training, pyramids and intervals, for example of 400m, 800m or 1,600m. The aim is for every runner to improve their technique, speed and running economy.

Runners on Northwood Stadiium track

Steady social runs

We hold a steady, social, run on Sunday mornings. Our run leads will guide you on a scenic 10k loop mostly off-road around North Staffordshire’s country parks, canals, cycleways and quiet lanes. Most weeks there will also be the option of an extra loop, or two. The start point is shared with the newsletter each week. If you’re new please contact us in advance via email or our Facebook page.

Sunday group run up steps at Chatterley Whitfield

On Tuesday evenings in the winter we hold a social run 5k easy, always from Newcastle Town FC / Lyme Valley car park ST4 4BD. Please see the training schedule or the weekly newsletter to book.

For further information on run training contact lead run coach, Matt Harper: