Wondering what the 'washing machine' is, or where to find your M-dot?! Make things easy with our guide to common tri terms...
'A'-RACE - The most important race of your season.
AGE-GROUPER - Non-pro traithlete (most of us!)
AEROBIC - Aerobic exercise involves or improves oxygen consumption by the body.
ANAEROBIC - How much energy your body can produce without using oxygen.
BILATERAL BREATHING - Breathing every 3 strokes when swimming.
BONKING - Running out of energy mid-race or training session.
BRICK SESSION - When you 'brick' two disciplines together (e.g. bike & run) usually during training
CARB-LOADING - Eating a carb-heavy meal prior to a race to boost energy.
CATCH - The part of the swim stroke where you pull on the water.
DNS/DNF/DQ - Did not start/Did not finish/Disqualified.
DRAFTING - Hitching a ride on someone else's slipstream in the bike or swim.
DUATHLON - Usually a run/bike/run format.
ELITE - Another word for a 'pro' - e.g. the Brownlees.
HIT - High-intensity training.
HRMAX - Your maximum heart rate.
HYPONATRAMIA - A deficiency of sofium in the blood.
INTERVALS - Intensive training using repeated on/off efforts.
LACTIC ACID - Produced in high-intensity workouts, it can inhibit oxygen movement around the body and slow you down.
MAIN SET - A block lasting 40-50% of a session where the heart rate is elevated.
M-DOT - Abbreviation for Ironman logo - often seen as a tattoo!
OVERPRONATION - Foot rolls inwards on impact rather than outwards.
OVERTRAINING - Common symptoms of training too much with inefficient recovery include insomnia, headaches, moodiness, loss of enthusiasm and incresed illness due to a suppressed immune system.
PB - Personal Best.
PULL - The mid part of the swim stroke where the hands and arms accelarate using the purchase from the catch.
REPS - Pre-fixed distances covered and pre-fixed recoveries maintained.
RESR INTERVAL (RI) - Period of rest between reps.
SIGHTING - Looking ahead/at an object while swimming to keep on course.
T1/T2 'Transition 1' (swim to bike) and 'Transition 2' (bike to run).
TAPER - Reducing your training in the days just before your big race.
THRESHOLD RUN - A run at about 80% of your max heart rate for no more than 20mins.
TIME TRIALS - A set-distance session, where the aim is to swim as fast as you can over the allotted distance.
TRANSITION AREA - The place where you rack your bike and swap kit between discipline.
TRI-BARS - Also known as aerobars, they help you race aerodynamically.
TUMBLE TURN - Fast way of turning at the pool wall by performing a forward roll, push off and a twist to return to the initial stroke position.
TURBO TRAINER - A frame that attaches to your bike, turning it into a static trainer.
VO2 MAX - A measure of the body's maximal ability to use oxygen to produce energy.
WAVES - The groups which triathletes are put in to start a race, usually spilt by age.