Weekly bike sessions are held on Saturday mornings , please check the training schedule for timings and location.
Our regular venues are either the grassed surface of Skipton Academy Playing Field or at Computershare Car Park.
There are regular visits to the Steven Burke Cycle Track in Colne to develop cycling fitness and skills on a traffic free dedicated bike circuit.
During the colder winter months we replace outdoor cycling with indoor turbo training, strength and conditioning, and yoga. This is either in a school hall or in the comfort of your home delivered via Zoom!
We also occasionally head to the more wooded area of Aireville Park or other off-road venues on colder winter days (when snow maybe on the ground!) to develop off-road riding skills. These sessions are most suited to a mountain bike or a bike with good cross tyres.
Youths aged 15 and over with appropriate cycling skills are invited to attend coach led road training rides.
For all rides participants are asked to ensure that their bicycles are in proper working order prior to attending any session. Wearing a helmet is mandatory for all rides and cyclists are asked to wear clothing appropriate to the conditions, and bring a drink bottle .
Coaches can offer advice on bike suitability especially when replacing a bike the child has grown out of. There is a buy/sell/swap Facebook page for club members that is very helpful when wanting to replace an outgrown bike.
Off-road mountain biking and road family rides are organised intermittently through the year.