Swim Bike Run
Welcome to Swim Bike Run – a fun way to access multisport and triathlon for the first time
- Swim Bike Run Skipton is a fun way to access multisport and triathlon for the first time.
- Swim Bike Run events are reasonably priced, with manageable distances, which have been purposely designed for novices.
- Swim Bike Run Skipton are run by volunteers using minimal marshals to allow the event to keep entry costs down and make it as accessible as possible.
- Swim Bike Run Skipton events use a 200m pool swim, a 9km bike route that is on the road, there is also a 2.5km run around paths in Aireville Park, details can be found below.
Final dates and entry details for our 2024 events will be found here soon, stay tuned !
What you need to know:
Kit list:
General kit list:
- Trainers
- Shorts/Leggings
- T-Shirt or top
- Water bottle
- Towel
- 1 or 2 piece costume for ladies
- Trunks or shorts for men
- A wetsuit if your swim is open water
- Don’t forget your goggles!
- Bike (any bike will do)
- Helmet
- All you need is a pair of trainers
Registration will be located outside of the pool entrance. The briefing will take place on the pool side at 6:50am so please make sure that you have everything ready and in place by then and you are ready to start your swim.
In registration you will receive:
- A swim cap for the swim (this is yours to keep after the event)
- A number that will be written on your hand and leg
- A bike sticker with your number on that must be attached to your bike before entering transition
Please register before putting your equipment into the transition area as you will need your bike sticker.
As this is a grass roots event, you will receive an overall time but not split times. Your time will be from the moment that you start the swim to when you cross the finishing line upon completion of the run. The finishing times will be sent to you via email by the end of the day. Please don’t ask our marshals at the end of the event for your finishing time as they need to focus on making sure everybody finishes the event safely and with the correct recorded finishing time
Please make sure you are familiar with where the “swim in”, “bike out”, “bike in” and “run out” are. The bikes will be positioned in lines within the transition area along with any equipment that you may need (store in front of your bike). Please can we ask that there is no nudity in transition. If you do wish to get changed after the swim, you can do so in the swimming pool changing rooms. Please be aware that the transition area is not under cover.
The Swim
There will be six lanes and we will set everybody off in waves of 6 (1 person per lane). Please be aware that you will start in the water and dive starts are not allowed. You will swim in a clockwise or anti clockwise direction within your lane – the marshal will tell you when you approach the start of the swim. You will then get 5 minutes before the next wave will set off. You must continue swimming for your 8 lengths before getting out. You will not have a length counter so must count your own lengths.
If you wish to get changed in the swimming pool changing rooms before the bike section, please be aware that you will not be able to go out to transition and back into the pool again. You will need to organize what you need in a locker beforehand. You also cannot wear shoes until you have left the pool area and must exit at the same swim exit as the others that are exiting the swim, not the front entrance of the pool. You can however, leave your shoes in transition or by the rear entrance of the pool but please do not block the door for other competitors.
The Bike - 2 laps
Please make sure that you are familiar with the route. We will have some (but minimal) marshals and signage on the course.
Go out of Craven Leisure centre, turn right down Gargrave Road, left up Grassington Road, 2nd left at the roundabout and down the bypass, 1st left at the roundabout onto Gargrave Road .... do a 2nd lap, then on the 2nd lap turn into Craven Leisure centre and finish.
The Run - 2 Laps
The run is basically 2 laps of Aireville Park following the tarmac footpaths up to the wooded area at the top of the Park and then down to the canal (more detailed directions are included in the race information sent out on registration).
Please be considerate to other park users as the footpaths will be in general use by the public.
Please be aware that others may still be completing the event. You can go into transition to collect you items but please see the transition marshal so that they can check your bike number with the number on your hand.