
Mark Taylor - Head Coach

“I like to believe it’s where we go and how we get there that is more key than where we have been.”

I am driven to be the best that I can be. A goal is only a parameter that we set and we have to keep moving these goals in order to achieve.

Being the head coach of CE I feel this journey can be shared. We all have goals, dreams and aspirations. Being a part of a team I feel that We can help members achieve what was once unachievable, possible.


Emma Green - Level 2 BTF Coach

I competed in my first triathlon in 2011 after watching a work colleague complete an Olympic distance race the year before for charity.

I wish back then I had a club like Craven Energy to lend a supportive ear and help improve my swim, instead I learnt the hard way, on my own, taking in a lot of water!. Still, I completed my first Olympic distance months later in a pretty decent time and haven’t looked back since. Subsequently I have completed numerous, sprint, Olympic distance, duathlon and aqualathon races and still enjoy every race like the first (albeit I don’t swallow quite as much water!).

I decided to start coaching in 2015 and have subsequently completed my level 1 and level 2 BTF coaching qualifications. I primarily coach junior track on a Tuesday night but have experience coaching all three disciplines plus transition training.

Adrian Dunbar - Level 2 BTF Coach

In a previous life I was a GP for 22 years. I then worked in musculoskeletal medicine for 13 years. My medical interests were chronic pain, back pain and sports injuries.

My sporting career began with running and orienteering, mainly on the fells. Running injuries led me into cycling and when my children joined the swimming club instead of watching from the side I got in the pool and joined them. Triathlon followed in the early 1990s.

As a runner, particularly on the fells, I found that my talents were not for short fast events and I gradually worked up to marathon and ultra events where I could plod all day at my own pace. So it became with triathlon. I have completed 4 Ironman events and many 70.3s.

When I retired from work I wanted to give something back to the sport I have loved for the last 25 years and so decided to become a coach. As a coach I have a particular interest in helping the more mature athlete improve their performance in triathlon

Paul Brewer - Level 1 BTF Coach

I am a relative late comer to Triathlon, completing my first Sprint Distance event when I was 32. I was very quickly hooked and within a couple of months of completing my first event I joined Craven Energy.

The sport gives me immense enjoyment and satisfaction, I love the training and learning all of the different technical skills and there is always something new to keep me interested. The people and camaraderie both at the Club and races have contributed to some of my best sporting experiences.

My progression into coaching was something I wanted to do to strengthen my connection with the sport and allow me to give something back to the Club, which has helped me so much.

Vicki Cook - Level 1 BTF Coach 

Crazy busy mum of 3 teenagers, 2 huskies and trying to fit in training to do 2 Ironmen in 2021.

I first got the bug to do triathlons in 2019 and joined Craven Energy and not looked back!

I passed my Triathlon Coaching Course Level 1 in 2020 and almost through my level 2.

Overseeing the junior triathletes and enjoying creating fun training to encourage participation.


Tracey Hodgson -Level 1 British Triathlon Coach

Coaching Start Date - January 2023

Qualifications - BTF safeguarding,  Level 1 British Triathlon Coach,  Swim England Level 1 Swimming Assistant/Teacher, Welfare and Safeguarding 

I have been coaching with Craven Energy Triathlon Club since the beginning of 2023. I started in September 2022 as a total beginner to triathlon on the beginner front crawl sessions, this was to be my first stepping stone within my new interest in triathlon, and I haven't looked back since. 

The role of coaching became something of interest to me, as I was inspired by the coaching I received attending the sessions, and I just wanted to gain the knowledge and skills to become a coach myself, so that I could develop and support athletes within their progression of the three disciplines of triathlon. 

I coach swimming and cycling sessions to the adults and juniors at Craven Energy on a weekly basis and every session is such an enjoyable experience to me,  I want to be part of the athletes journey within triathlon, I want to provide every athlete with the skills and technique needed to support their progress and development so that they can reach their goals and targets. And that's why I am a coach. 

I am wanting to develop my qualifications and experience further as a coach and will be starting more courses shortly, this I feel is very important, so that I am able to provide the best quality training to our athletes.