
If you're thinking of joining, why not come to our Club nights on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm. They are a great way to meet existing and new members and give tennis a go. Come along and join us and play one of the world's healthiest sports :)

Our very reasonable membership rates are below with some excellent value Introductory offers. Our memberships are for a fixed term and include Tennis Ireland affiliation fee, insurance, court usage and lights.

Just select your membership and join now!


Adult 2024/2025

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Adult member

Eligibility: Full Adult Membership ( 18 years and over)

Join now

Adult Distance 2024/2025

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Distance Adult Membership

Eligibility: Member must live more than 50KM from Ballina Tennis Clb and be a full member of his/her home tennis club

Join now

Adult Introductory Year 1 2024/2025

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Introductory Membership - new members

Eligibility: Adult members ( Age 18 and over)

Join now

Adult Introductory Year 2 2024/2025

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Adult Introductory Year 2

Eligibility: Adult second year introductory membership

Join now

Family 2024/2025

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Family Membership(from year 3) for Parents/Guardians and their children ( under 25) in full time education

Eligibility: Parents/Guardians and their children ( under 25) in full time education

Join now

Family Distance 2024/2025

01/05/2024- 01/05/2025

Distance Family Membership.

Eligibility: Family Must reside more than 50KM from the club and be full members in their home tennis club. Parents/Guardians and their children (under 25) in full time education.

Join now

Family Introductory Year 1 2024/2025

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Introductory membership for Parents/Guardians and their children (under 25) in full time education

Eligibility: New family membership for parents/guardians and their children (under 25) in full time education

Join now

Family Introductory Year 2 2024/2025

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Family introduction (Year 2) for Parents/Guardians and their children (under 25) in full time education

Eligibility: Family Introductory membership Year 1 completed

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Junior 2024/2025

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Junior membership

Eligibility: Juniors aged 13 to 18 years

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Juvenile 2024/2025

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Juvenile membership

Eligibility: Children aged 12 and under

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Student 2024/2025

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Student Membership

Eligibility: Student aged 18+ and in full time education

Join now