Dan Mason (Head Coach, L3)
Dan has several years experience in Triathlon, ranging across all distances from sprint through to completing multiple Ironman distance races. Dan has been coaching since 2011 and gives back to Andover Triathlon in spades, he can be found at the Track and Poolside at most sessions. Dan is a BTF Level 3 High Performance Coach and that paired with his experience means that members have a great asset accessible across most of the club coached sessions.
Dan is one of several members of the club who has represented Team GB as an age-grouper at World and European Championships.
Ronnie Parker (L2 + Diploma)
Ronnie has 20 years experience in the Army and has been active in Triathlon for the last 7 years. His experience ranges across all the distances, with his focus currently aimed towards “Iron distance”. A BTF Level 2 Coach and Dip PT he loves to share his knowledge and experiences with club members. Ronnie has a deep love for the technical training, using data, gadgets and is a Trainingpeaks coach. His passion for information is closely followed by a keen interest in the psychology of athletic performance “what makes us tick” and enjoys nothing more than helping people push through mental barriers to achieve the best they can achieve.