Club Risk Assessments
1485 Tri Club aims to ensure the safety and welfare of members, club officials / volunteers, third oparties including menbers of the public and the club itself.
We ensure we follow British Traithlon guidelines at all times, to align with their statement that:
'Everyone who participates in Triathlon is entitled to particpate in an enjoyable and safe environment'.
All those involved in any club activity (e.g. planning, leading, coaching, partaking or other roles) must read read the relevant risk assessment to ensure they understand the assessed risks and control measures to be implemented by thos involved.
Links to the club risk assessments (RA) and emergency actions plans (EAP) are provided below:
- 1485 Tri Club - Risk Assessment - Club Rides (non-coached 'social' rides)
- 1485 Tri Club - Risk Asseessment & EAP - Thursday Evening Swim Session at Bosworth Academy