

Closing date for entry is Saturday 5th June. 

Entry is free (but there will be prizes). 

As announced in the recent newsletter the club will hold a quick-fire tennis tournament from 10-19th June. This will include singles, doubles and mixed doubles. The competition is open to players 16 years and older and will be graded to suit every level from beginner to advanced so we hope that all will enter. Doubles partners will be assigned. The matches will be fast-4-format and will take less than 50 mins.

Matches will be in the evenings from 7 to 9pm. Match times will be arranged by the club and notifications will be sent each morning. If you reach the semi-finals, you must be available to play on the evening of 18th June and for the finals on the afternoon (3 to 5pm) of Saturday 19th June. You should be available on the other competition days but you can select one evening when you are unavailable. (If you are not available to play on the designated evening for a match, it cannot be re-arranged). No matches will be scheduled for Sunday 13 June. Restrictions and weather permitting there will be a BBQ.

If you have not already entered fill in the form here