
Team race report - Cambridge Junior Triathlon

Many of our members have been training hard and competing across the region this summer, so we're sharing the views of our those we really want to hear from - the competitors!

Here Josh Halai, one of our long-standing members who's moved up through the age groups at Tri-Force, gives us his perspective on the Cambridge Junior Triathlon.

"It was an early start for the Cambridge Junior Triathlon last Sunday.  Some of us got up at 5.30am, to make it there for registration!!!Races kicked off from 8.30 and we all cheered each other on.  The warm sunny day made it tough for us, but the support from our club mates, helped us push through and achieve our best."

The event was very well organised and we all had a great time.  Podiums too, for Eloisa Kerry and Charlotte Douglas.

It wasn't all just about competition though, there are side benefits to being a triathlete....

And the highlight of the day?? The Haribos that were given out in the race packs.  We could have them before the event started! :)