
2022 club awards shortlist

The shortlist for this year’s members’ awards at NTC’s annual awards ceremony has been announced.

Thank you to everyone who submitted their suggestions for nominees.

NTC’s committee considered all the suggestions and have agreed the shortlist below.

Only club members are allowed to vote. To make your choices please follow the link that has been sent in the club newsletter.

Best performance (men)

This person produced an amazing performance this year, in one race or several. Their performance embodies the values of NTC and makes the club proud. This award is for triathlon, duathlon or aquathlon.

Lloyd Bebbington


Lloyd Bebbington with two medals around his neck









What an amazing year Lloyd has had! He is both British and European Standard Distance Triathlon Champion for his age group (M25-29), having taken top spot at Leeds triathlon in June and at the European championships in May. This qualifies him for both the European and World Standard Distance Triathlons races next year (2023) and in addition to this he also qualified for the European Sprint Distance race in Madrid.  

Lloyd also took a number of top spots in races earlier in the year, including second age group in the Oulton Park sprint duathlon, first age group at East Leak, first overall at Wilmslow and first overall at Tadcaster.

Toby Hart

Toby Hart running








Toby completed Ironman Barcelona in 10 hours, 52 minutes. Well done Toby.

Matt Harper

Matt Harper running and giving thumbs up








Matt clocked 12:13 at his first Iron Man event in Bolton in July, including a 3:36 marathon split. He did this while still managing to commit to coaching the club run sessions and fit in all the training required for that distance. 

Didier Nuttall

Didier Nuttall in cycle kit with his bike








Didier won the full distance event at Alderford in June in an astonishing 9 hours, 18 minutes, coming across the line a full 47 minutes before the second placed athlete.

He also completed Ironman Tenby in 10:26, got fourth place at Castle Howard half distance, and took fourth place in a 57km ultra run event in Snowdonia.

Performance of the year - women

This person produced an amazing performance this year, in one race or several. Their performance embodies the values of NTC and makes the club proud. This award is for triathlon, duathlon or aquathlon.

Lesley Dawson

Lesley Dawson on her bike in the Alps








Lesley only took part in a small number of races this year but she had fantastic races and qualified to race at the European Sprint Distance race in Madrid and also the World Sprint Distance race in Hamburg.

Sandra Edwards

Sandra Edwards on her bike








Sandra has taken part in lots of events during the year and she qualified for a world standard triathlon place at the Shropshire triathlon.

Sandra also took third overall women’s place and first age group at the Nantwich triathlon, first age group at the Weston Park triathlon and first age group at the Darley Moor September duathlon.

Lisa Ho








Lisa Ho has taken triathlon to her heart this year and has achieved some great results.

She took fifth woman overall at the Llandudno triathlon, third place at the Shropshire middle distance triathlon, eighth woman and first age group at the Alderford “half” and second age group at Derby. Lisa also completed the full distance Outlaw, which she completed in 13 hours and 10 minutes, despite a cut to her foot. 

Michelle Marshall

Michelle Marshall on her bike








Michelle has taken part in both European and World championships this year.

She took part at the World triathlon championships in Montreal, Canada, and the aquathlon championships in Bilbao, Spain. 

She has qualified for the 2023 world championships and two other age group races.

In addition she took third woman and third age group place at the Ashbourne triathlon, second woman and second age group place at Cholmondley sprint triathlon and third age group at Boundary Breeze triathlon.

Most dedicated

Based on being at all training sessions, irrespective of the weather.

Marie Bebbington

Marie Bebbington running








Marie is a regular at the swim and run sessions, turning out no matter the weather to put her training in.

She also led the summer steady bike rides from Keele and is leading a steady midweek 5k.

Richard Hall

Richard Hall running








Richard is a regular at many of the NTC training sessions and he always lets everyone know that he’s done Ironman Lanzarote, the “hardest Ironman in the world”.

Richard takes part in lots of events with the club too, along with his family, and is a stalwart of the club.

Luke Maxwell

Luke Maxwell against presentation backdrop gives thumbs up







Luke is a fixture at the NTC training sessions, regularly turning out at track running, Sunday runs, pool swimming, open water swimming, Tuesday chain gangs and Saturday bike rides.

Luke quietly gets on with it and produces some great performances as a result of his dedication.

Jason Riley

Jason Riley riding his bike








Jason put in the hours of training needed to complete his Ironman at Bolton, turning out at all the club training sessions and putting in the time elsewhere when work got in the way or he needed extra miles.

After his accident he’s shown incredible grit and determination to get back to some level of training/fitness.

Even when unable to take part himself he finds time to come and support his team members, whether it's at the track, at the local park runs or flying out to Amsterdam. If you need his support, he's there.

Most improved

This member is voted for on the basis of the improvement in their fitness, results and ability over the year. This award is for triathlon, duathlon or aquathlon.

John Braithwaite

John Braithwaite running








John has improved in all three disciplines.

He works at the track, at swimming and in the cycle sessions.

Bit by bit he is catching up with the fast guys – they need to watch out!

John did the half distance Slateman triathlon on the gruelling terrain of Llanberis slate mines and Snowdonia this year, completing the goal he had set himself of the three half distance events in North Wales.

Simon Chubb

Simon Chubb running








Simon has been working hard on all disciples and made improvement across all three.

He regularly enters running races and his times have improved as his training volume has increased.

He took on the Outlaw full distance event in May, coming in at just under 14 hours. He also put in good performances at Nantwich and Cardiff triathlons.

Maria Hall

Maria Hall running and giving thumbs up








Maria has been training with the Sunday 5k group and has built from that to undertake the Amsterdam half marathon.

She’s had a go at all three sports too, taking part in the Deva Divas sprint triathlon and the Cholmondley Castle family team relay race.

Sarah Thorne

Sarah Thorne running








Sarah has massively improved her confidence in open water swimming after working hard in the pool and at Astbury Mere.

She took the opportunity of a race entry she won at last year’s awards to open up the world of triathlon and duathlon during the year, taking part in events at Cholmondley, Darley Moor, the Deva Divas and Rugeley GoTri.

Volunteer of the year

This is the member in the background, making the club what it is. Based on always being there to help out and support other members during training or racing.

Mike Hearson

Mike Hearson under floodlight at running track








Mike is a regular at Wednesday run training in his activator role, supporting the junior coach.

He is always out at events making sure the juniors and seniors are OK and get what they need.

He also volunteered himself to stay with Jason Riley when was injured in Bolton and was waiting to be transferred to the Royal Stoke Hospital. He stayed with his team mate/friend until the early hours on a traumatic day.

Mike Howard

Mike Howard on his bike








As cycle lead Mike encourages cycling in the club, organises the bike rides and is a good cycling role model. 

Mike creates the newsletter every week, along with all the other things backstage, including making cake after cross country racing.

He has also qualified as a level 1 coach this year.

Mike also supports training sessions and celebrates members’ successes, capturing the moments with some great photos.

Matt Jackson

Matt Jackson running








Matt is a fantastic coach to the juniors.

He is encouraging in every aspect. At one junior’s first event this year, Matt arrived hours earlier than he needed to, especially to support him.

This meant so much to the junior member and shows what a dedicated coach and volunteer he is.

Sarah Thorne

Sarah Thorne running








Sarah has helped the club by being an activator at training sessions through the year and has supported the registration at open water swimming.

She also regularly takes some of the Sunday morning runs and encourages participation in the 5k beginner runs.

Her commitment to the club has increased as she has completed her level 1 coaching