Club of the Year 2016
Mon, 28 Nov 2016 00:00

A young club, our Club of the Year: Grangemouth Triathlon Club, has achieved a lot. In its inaugural year they have successfully created a club where the atmosphere throughout, from triathlon training, to taking part in events, to volunteering and coaching, is like a big family. The club is firmly embedded within the local community where they have built successful partnerships with a local high school, athletics club and council. With more than 90 members in just 12 months covering all age groups, the club offers five formal training sessions every week. An active part of the community, attracting many people into the sport they have seen the club represented in over 40 events this year – and it has to be said they are easy to spot with their colourful club tri-gear! To support their membership, they already have six level 1 and 2 qualified coaches, with a further five currently working towards their qualifications. Very much “open to all”, they have helped to support a number of athletes with health issues and disabilities to train, enjoy and love their triathlon. They truly represent their motto: “A wee club with a big heart”!
CREDIT: Triathlon Scotland (source)